So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Maybe I Need Some Rehab, or Maybe Just Need Some Sleep

Well, I have survived another Tuesday. Not so hard to do when it's summer, ha. I went to a party today as I wrote about earlier and it was amazing. I swear these parties get bigger and better every time. I took a lot of pictures and I was going to post some here but in the process I deleted ALL OF THEM off my camera. I was so mad at myself, I spend 20 minutes trying to find them in the recycle bin and I had the "Delete to Recycle Bin" setting turned off apparently. I'm such dumb stuff sometimes. This is why I want to dye my hair blonde. Okay, calm down, I kid, I kid. I'm not into that whole blonde joke scene. but any-who...

The party I was at had kids from a ton of different schools and there were these kids from the other high school in town (Nouvel) chilling out on the trampoline. Well, when we were done with the hot tub we went and jumped but they were just kind of sitting there instead of jumping-which makes no sense- so they got pissed and went inside. Ha. Oh well, we were having fun and plus, a trampoline is for jumping not sitting...

NOW, let's get down to business. My birthday beach trip is next weekend and the weekend after, which is 4th of July weekend, my friend wants me to go on a small vacation with her. I'm hoping the week after that I will be leaving for Arizona for the rest of July, so if I don't update within those weeks don't have a cow because I will try my hardest but sometimes you just can't make time for revealing your life to the whole cyber web universe. Get what I'm sayin? And I'm too tired and too lazy at the moment to find a picture for this post so it's gonna be naked. Sorry, world, to scar your ever so sensitive eyes with this bare naked post but frankly,  I'm too foggy with sleep to care about you people at this moment. I will post again tomorrow when I am more awake. I must say, today was amazing. And I want everyday to be as amazing as this one was. Goodnight!

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