So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's My Glamour and It Kills

This post is random, and I apologize for that, but I have so much stuff running through my head today, and I will go insane if I don't let go of them. So, if would like, read the whole thing. If not, don't. Better posts will come later, but for now, it is important for me to clear my head.

Here are my favorites of the lyrics to the aforementioned song:
Hannah takes the stairs
And I usually take the elevator
Every now and then she offers me
A lemon Now and Later
Please don't play the match maker
Please don't be a player hater
If you dig her recent work
You should go congratulate her

I really just had to write about this song because it's one of those songs where you listen with your eyes closed, mind open, and even if you can't relate to the lyrics, it touches your soul. It sounds crazy, but try it, and if it doesn't work for you, then I sincerely apologize for wasting your time. I was listening to this magical song on my iPod and just thought, I want to share this with those who read my blog. So, I went on youtube and found the video to this song that was most worthy of my blog space. The channel I got the video from is amazing. They have videos of all the music that a person should listen to. None of that popularized radio crap,  or stuff that you have to listen to 10 bad songs to get one good one. No, this music is the kind I listen to. Beautiful, pure, and strong. If you feel you are ready to be enlightened, check out the rest of the videos. If not, then ignore them. Your decision. The channel is called "EarlyBirdIndie" and can be found here.

Now, this post is red. There is no reason for it, and I hope it doesn't jumble your senses too much, but please for my sake, try to enjoy it. I am craving chocolate Zinger cakes for some reason and I want them. This is terrible. Today I am going to go to my cello lesson, and I am going to enjoy it, and after, spend some quality time with my madre since my brother has long dissapeared for the day. There is less than a week until my Caseville beach trip, and I am stoked. You know, it's weird that I am calmly sitting here typing this when weird, occupied-like sounds are coming from my brothers room and I know for a fact he is not home. I am going to go check that out...

...I am back. It was nothing interesting other than the window being open and the wind pushing out sounds that were mistaken as someone walking around in there. Now I think it's time for me to go find a picture for this post so I can hit the "Publish Post" button and get the heck out of here. 

Thank you for reading, and I really hope you will stop by again for some more personal moments, as told my me. <3

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