So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tomorrow Won't Change How I Feel Today

I'm waiting for Brianna to come over for a visit. I am so happy with life lately. I feel like things are going right like they should be. Sure, I have bad moments, everyone does, but I have more happy moments than I do sad or angry, which is the opposite of what I was 2 years ago. I'm really enjoying it.

Today I went to a meeting for my All-Star cheer team. I'm so happy that this team has so much less drama than my school team had, and I'm so much happier with this team. The head coach, Tara, was really nice and explained everything so clearly, and I'm excited for practices to start up so we can get working on a kick-butt routine for competition! We have optional conditioning and tumbling all summer, but actual practices wont start until August, and that's when all the action starts. My mom said she promises to be supportive if I keep up with cello lessons, because she thinks I'll go far with my music. I've been writing songs since I was around 6 and she keeps telling me to keep working on cello, keep practicing my piano, pick up guitar lessons, take vocal lessons, blah blah. I would love that, but it's all so expensive, and honestly, I don't believe that I am that good. To me it all seems like a waste, and I don't have that much time. I'm more into writing words than music lately, and I don't think it has anything to do with me changing, I think I just got a grip on reality that I didn't have before. It's not sad, or disappointing, just different. 

Anyways, I've been into some really obscure music lately. Mostly indie, but some other genres too. I'm loving it though. I mean, music has always had a big influence on me, but I can really feel this new stuff. Oops, time to go entertain my guest now. Thanks for reading! 

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