So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

An Old Man Gave Me A Tip, He Said:

"You're only as tall as your heart let's you be, and you're only as small as the world will make you seem, and when the going gets rough and you feel like you may fall, look at the brightside."
-Never Shout Never

Enjoy the graphics.
"One of these days, I'll be happy. Today isn't that day I'm afraid."
"Sometimes I pretend to be someone else. It's much easier than being me."
"For some reason I always feel alone, even in a full room. It's frustrating."
"I swear, if words were machine guns we'd all be dead by now. Seriously."
"Maybe one of these days I'll look back on what I missed out on and be okay."
"I like thinks that don't have feelings, then if I learn to love it, it wont reject me."
"So what if I don't even know who I am yet, at least I know how to pretend to."
"I wish everything that's happened to me in the last couple of days would just go away and adolescence can take over, like the good ol' days."
"It's going to be one of those days, huh?"
"Do you ever feel like you're being watched by some unseen force?
It can't be God, it's too overbearing." 
"Wishes are wasted breath but tempting desires."
"I'll keep my head up and keep in mind, not everything is gold"
"If nothing ever changed, that'd be fine with me."
all the pictures tell a story, and that's what I love most about them

When you're depressed, you expect everyone else to say the things that will make everything "okay" again. But when someone else you care about is depressed, you want so badly to know what to say, but no matter how much you try, you don't know what to say. It's so frustrating! It almost hurts me to not know what to say for once. I'm normally so good with words... I hope everyone's okay. I always say "don't worry, everything is going to be amazing." and it works for me, because I know that no matter what, it will end up being true, but not everyone has a phrase that works like that or them...This week has been crazy. I passed my driving test though! I only got four things wrong, and I was so excited about that. After next Saturday I can DRIVE! (: I got my level one liscence, and I'm stoked! Then, my best friend Rae was awarded drum major for next years marching band season, and my other friend Bri got section leader for the color guard. I'm so proud of both of them. It makes me smile. I made a new friend today. Her names Callie. It was super random and funny, but we're kinda friends now. It's pretty cool how I meet random people left and right and become close friends with most of them. It's how I am.

So, I've come to realize that boys just don't know when to quit. They think that telling us girls are flirting with them will make us jealous but really it either pisses us off or annoys us. It's SO stupid. I hate when guys say stuff like that. I wish people could just be real with each other instead of hiding everything behind closed doors. And liars...I mean, why lie about something that you can be honest about? Most of the time lies aren't worth it anyways. I don't get it. I mean sure, I lie about things every once in awhile, most people do. But it's so much more convieniant and easier to just be honest, even if you are hurting someone in the process. It will be better for the other person in the long run anyways. So let's vow to be as honest as possible. Agreed?

While you ponder that, I will be getting some sleep since I have to wake up way early for ze doctor tomorrow. Thanks for reading (:

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