So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I Live To Let You Shine

"You know when you're in a car and you glance out the window and it seems as though you're flying past everything?"


"That's what it feels like, every day. I'm those trees; that highway marker. I'm standing still and life is rushing past me, 50 miles per hour in the wrong direction."

"Then close your eyes."

I didn't update yesterday. Mostly because I was so busy all day, and it was so beautiful outside I just didn't want to waste my day on the computer. I sat outside in the sun studying for my driving theory test and watching my mother work in the garden. It was fabulous. Later that night, though, I got sick again. It was the weirdest feeling because I haven't been that sick in awhile, even through all this mono crap. I was so tired to even hold up my phone to text, and kept throwing up. Yuck. I know what it's from though, so I'm not too worried, and I feel mucho better now.

I wanted to write about something, because I think it's really weird. The thing is, time has been going so slow for me. Slow to the point that I don't even know how to feel out time anymore. Something will feel like three hours and then I'll realize it was only 10 minutes ago. I feel drugged, but I know I'm not. It's just crazy. These last 3 weeks of homeschooling have felt like 2 monthes at the very least, and I'm getting nothing done. I'm not sure if I hate it, or if it's just unreal. Time is weird anyways, but...I'm not so sure.

Today is another beautiful day. My original school's band concert is tonight, and I think I'm going to go, but I'm not sure if I should. I'm not supposed to be on school grounds at all since I started homeschooling, but I really want to go because I have so many friends in band and I want to support all of them. Although, drivers training is going to get in the way too, but that's easy to take care of. I guess it's a decision I will make at the last second...that's usually the best way to do things, as I'm learning.

I think I will update a little more later, because I have to much left to say but for now it's amazing outside and I have to get some work done so I'm going to take it outside and do it on my porch, in the sun, with the smell of pina colada tanning lotion surrounding me. (: Thanks for reading!

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