So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Galaxy Starts To Melt When We Become One.

There are things I've done and said that I regret, but really, I don't regret that I regret them. I always said that you should never regret anything in life, especially if it made you happy, but now I don't feel like it's true. A few months ago I wrote down in my journal "If you look to the past and see no mistakes, no enemies, and no regrets, then you are certainly doing something wrong," and honestly, I feel that's more accurate. If we don't regret anything then what do we learn from? Because stuff happens and eventually you get over it. And eventually it doesn't matter anymore. And eventually everything you thought to be of the utmost importance falls through the cracks and you start fresh with new regrets until every last mistake has been remade. It's life, and it's beautiful, and sometimes it sucks. True story.

"Music takes the moments you'll never forget, and makes them permanent."
-Stephen Gomez

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