So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Friday, September 03, 2010

The Silence Came With Brightest Eyes

I constantly find myself wondering what other people are thinking. It's not that I think they are thinking bad things about me, I'm just so social and I'm somewhat comfortable in my skin and I know for sure I'm confident but I would just like to be able to say I understand the things people do and what they think about them. The thing is I don't. Not nearly as much as I'd like. Not at all. I never know what people think and it can't even be as simple as to just ask because who knows if they are lying or not. You never really know. It's too bad, yes, but it's how life works and I accept that. I'm learning to go with the things and situations that are handed to me and it's working for me.

I was recently on Facebook and looking at my own profile when I saw how funny it looked that under my siblings I had people with many different last names. I thought back to a few weeks ago when one of my friends told me it annoys her when people do that but the thing is, why not do it? I don't define my family as people who I share blood with. Those are just my relatives. My family consists of those people I love and can't wait to talk to and smile when I see they are happy. Those who are there for me when help is needed and who always have the right things to say. So why should it bother someone if I have someone who I'm not related to listed as my sister? If they are family to me, I will show it. That is that.

Almost every night lately I've been sleeping easily but one night last week I couldn't get to sleep no matter how hard I tried. I guess it was because my mind was racing, but regardless I got a good poem out of it. I wasn't sure I wanted to share it but I promised a few people would and although it's rare that people keep their promises I never break mine. So here it is.

Hello Stranger,
I saw you today.
You smiled at me, 
picked up your pen,
and jotted something down on a paper.
Why, Stranger,
were you smiling
when your eyes looked so sad?

Dear Stranger,
It's been 6 days since I last saw you.
I stare at your empty seat, 
wondering where you have gone.
What happened Stranger?

Well Stranger, 
I saw your story on the news today.
They said it was pills
that took your life
and I'm curious as to why
you did what you did.
Why Stranger, why?

So Stranger,
I guess this is goodbye.
As I set a single smiling rose
on your stone,
and let a tear slip from my eye
for the person you 
could have been to me.
A friend.

Now Stranger, 
I wait for the day we meet again
so I can start over 
and introduce myself.
I will hold out my hand to you 
and say
Hello, Stranger.

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