So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

You Can Be The Heart That I Spill On The Pages

Today I finished a paper I shouldn't have put off but really...these last few weeks just got away from me. But I do have to say today is amazing. Something happened today that made me the happiest girl alive and though I cannot talk about it yet you will surely hear about it eventually.

Now, you probably think I'm bipolar from the angry sounding post I wrote yesterday but in all honestly that was completely unnecessary. I was tired from cheer and hungry from not eating all day and though I was really having super mega guy issues they have thankfully all been cleared up.

I decided today that I want to travel. I wont take time out of college for it or anything but before I get married and have kids it's something I definitely want to do. I still plan on going to France for sure but I also want to go to Germany and Italy as well. I think it'd be fun and a good experience and it's what my life needs. When will I go? I'm not sure but it will happen.

These posts kind of suck lately, and I'm sorry but I'm so mentally and physically exhausted. Grr school. It's okay though, good thoughts will be back shortly, I promise. For now these are just fillers.

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