So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Don't Bother Counting On Me, Loving Me, Just Act Like I'm Gone.

People have asked, "where do you get your inspiration?" and "what posesses you to write the things you do?" I've thought long and hard because that's such a weighted question, but the answer - like as to many other questions our minds have to offer - is life. Living day to day with the intention of absorbing everything that is thrown at me, then stringing words together to form meaningful sentences. That's all it is. Life. But maybe some of you can't put life into words; that's fine. You have your own talent and you should persue it. Don't worry about it making others happy because this is your life and for one second it can be about you And you only.

For those if you who don't know who you are even after years of being yourself and 20 major/minor study changes at the community college you currently attend, Beginners Luck by Laura Pedersen is the book for you. No, it's not a self-help book, as a matter of fact it's a novel. Just go to your local library or hit up and check it out. For those of you who have even the slightest bit of an idea, can read it to. You will enjoy it and even maybe learn something about yourself along the way. I do however have to mention that this book is indeed rated PG-13 and younger readers who decide to try it should do it at their own risk. Oh hey, look at me being all responsible and such :)

I would like to add that although the estival season is coming to a close, I am still loving every second of it. Arizona has been my solace for this summer and I am sad to be leaving but it has to be done. I've finally accepted that for now my home does lie in Michigan. In the future I plan to reside in Phoenix and live happy and sunny but for now I'm in the mitten with my family where I belong. Thank God for the Wright Brothers invention of the flying aircraft so I can make trips to and from to visit my favorite people in the world.

I'm surprised you have taken the time out of what I can imagine is a horrifically busy life to read this. It is much appreciated. So hey, thanks! I hope you find some meaning is something that I said and can relate it to your everyday hardships that you may face. Happy Tuesday!

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