So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

You Can Be A Sweet Dream Or A Beautiful Nightmare; Either Way I Don't Want To Wake Up...

I looooove life. I know, you are probably imagining me saying this in a "drunken just got home from a party and need sleep" voice but I'm not like that. I'm completely serious about this. I love what I'm doing, and I love adventure. Not knowing what happens next, but knowing it's going to be great, even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment. I just want to leave the world a better place than I found it. Staying happy would be nice too, I always hope for happiness. I just don’t want to grow up and become numb like I have seen happen to so many people. I want to play music and teach high school and I want to live, in love, in a tiny apartment in a huge city. I want to travel and see everything I can and meet as many people as I can. I want the heels of the last pair of shoes I own as a little old lady to be worn through as evidence of a life well spent. MY life. I love so many things. Like those big hugs that engulf your whole being (and theirs) and make you literally cry tears of joy. I love smiling at strangers and seeing their whole face just change. I love walking down the street feeling powerful and beautiful, even on a bad hair day. Simple things just make me light up, inside and out. That's why I shared that list with you a few days ago. I know, it was random and I didn't really explain. But I am now. I wanted to give you guys a few days to think about it. What do YOU love about life? What makes you smile, cry, get beautifully angry, scream for joy, giggle like a little kid? What givers you a hunger for life? Just think about it, because this life? It's a beautiful war. "You enter this world knowing you are loved and leave knowing the same. What happens in between can be dealt with."

I hope you all are enjoying life, and achieving your summer goal, no matter what they may be. Enjoy the rest of your week you guys, I mean it! You are alive, be greatful (:

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