So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sweet Little Things We Keep Untold...

I love trying new things. Experiments, if you will. The thrill of knowing that there's a 50% chance that everything will go wrong, but you hold onto the fact that theres another 50% chance that it wont. It's beautiful. I think that's what life is made for. Trial and error experiences. Like with a toddler. They are mumbling something that they want so you ask "is this what you want" and they shake their head while yelling "no no no!" just as frustrated as you are. But it's all for that one moment when you finally get it right and they say "yes" with the biggest smile on your face and you know you found the right thing. That's how life is. You try and try and try and you fail over and over, but that moment when you finally get it right and the world suddenly rights itself. That's the moment that makes it all worth it.

"When you are young, everything seems like the end of the world. But it's not, it's just the beginning...The Sun rises, and the sun sets"

I am now BLONDE!!! I'm liking this. It goes along with the whole "I don't care what people think about me thing" and I enjoy it. It's a soft bright platinum strawberry blonde. Gorgeous! I was hoping I could pull it off- Now I know I can. It's something I've always wanted to do, ya know? Be blonde. At least for a few monthes. Who knows, if I do transfer to a different school I might keep this color. It will fit the rest of the new me and I can have a fresh start. I'm losing weight like crazy so I guess it works. New school, new Megan. (: (: (:

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