So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

We All Want Change And We Want It Now

The Good Things In Life:
1. Getting smiles from strangers
2. Hearing a song that makes you feel like everything 
is going to be okay
3. Feeling giddy, and laughing at everything
4. A hot shower on a cold day
5. A cold swim on a hot day
7. Getting letters in the mail
8. Making someones day
9. Helping other people even when you know
that there is no way they can repay you
10. Laying on your back and looking at clouds
on a clear, sunny day.
11. Waking up feeling well rested and relaxed
12. "good morning" texts
13. The excited/anxious feeling that comes with 
waiting for something good
14. The smell of freshly baked cookies
15. Cuddling with someone you care about
16. When someone understands you
17. Promises that are kept by the person 
who made them
18. Seeing innocence in someone
and knowing that there are still a few good 
people left in the world
19. The relaxed feeling you get after being at a beach
20. Making lists that help you to appreciate
the little things that make life beautiful

Comment this post and let me know all of the things that make your life beautiful and I'll make another post later listing all of the things that you guys say. (:

Today it was hot hot hot outside. I had a friend over and we spent the day painting pictures and went out to dinner then spent an hour or so in the little kids section of Barnes & Noble, reminiscing over all of the books we read when we were little. It made me miss being a little kid. You know when everything was so simple and you actually believe that a cow really COULD jump over the moon. No drama, NO ex-boyfriends to miss, nothing to worry about other than what color crayon to use for the picture you are drawing for your friend, or parent, or sibling. It was all so simple, yet we thought every small thing was the end of the world. It kind of makes me wonder if in 10 years we will miss these teenage years. Maybe we will think that a bad break-up isn't so bad after all, and we were silly to think otherwise because we will have bills to pay, deadlines to make, jobs to keep and kids to take care of. I read this thing the other day that said "It's like this. You have to have the nicest jeans, or the cutest purse, or say the newest thing so that it catches on. You have to be skinny, you have to buy this, wear this, say that, be on his side, her side, be neutral, have white teeth, have straight teeth, have straight hair, your hair can't be frizzy, and you can't wear this because it just doesn't 'work' anymore. You have to go to parties, be friends with everyone, trust no one, pose like this, smile like that, tilt your head this way, and put your hand on your hip because that's just how it is. And let me just say screw all of that, because 10 years from now, it won't even matter." And whoever wrote that is so right. It wont even matter. So why does is bother us so much now? Having the best clothes and the hottest boyfriend wont make you the most successful in life. Sure, it's good to have a lot of friends but you don't need to be "best friends" with everyone. I'm the type who doesn't care what people think of me much anymore. I used to, sure, but I've grown up. No, I'm not popular, everyone doesn't love me, and I don't have the best hair or clothes or accessories. But does it bother me? No way. Because I am who I am, and that's all I will ever be in life. I plenty of people who love me and want to be my friend, and I'm happy. If I ever change, it will be because I want to, not because I want to live up to everyone's expectations of perfection. 

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