So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Past Is Haunting Me Just Like A Ghost, The Kind That Takes It's Time And Kills You Slow

There's nothing better than taking a freezing cold hour long shower on a hot summer day. That's exactly what I did when I got home today. I had already taken a cold shower this morning before I left, but there was just that urge for me to take an even colder one the minute I walked into the door after I did.

You know, it's so weird how one minute you can be feeling helpless about something and the next second you can realize you are stronger and suddenly, you are in control. Does anyone else know that feeling? Maybe not, I don't know. It's just so amazing how someones problems can seem so huge to them but really, you can see that they aren't. Especially if you have been through a lot and know something worse than a scrape or bruise. Just something to think about...

Today was a good day, but I will not bore you with the very uninteresting details of my day. I would like to write about something else this time. Today when I logged onto my blogger account, I noticed I had a new comment on my July 2nd post. I read over it, and right away I smiled. An anonymous reader said "this is the most amazing thing I've ever read. I can relate to it so much and it helped me realize that I dont need him and I can move on. Thank you so much." I mean, who wouldn't love to hear that. I'm so glad that I can make someone realize that they don't deserve to be treated badly. I was in such a bad position for so long, and I wish I had realized sooner that I deserved better. Every girl (or guy!) should learn from my mistake. To Anonymous: If you are reading this, I love you. I don't know who you are, but you made my day with that simple comment, and you made my heart smile. I'm glad I could help you and I wish you the best of luck with everything. Thank you! 

I love receiving comments, and even more, I love reading them. So, if you want to leave me a little note, go ahead! Don't be shy, I will never EVER disregard a comment. Ever. Tell me what you like, tell me what you don't. Either way, I would absolutely love to hear from you (: 

One other thing I want to say before I end this thing is that I absolutely ADORE the Pretty Little Liars book series. The shows not bad either, but the books...they are amazing. I know who "A" is, and I also know who killed Alison. But guess what...I'm not telling. Wait and see for yourselves, just like I'm waiting to see if my theory is correct. 

Thanks for reading today. xoxo!!

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