So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Reading Between The Lines Like Writing On A Wall

First off I would like to say that I love writing and have enjoyed my time writing this blog. However, I think it's time I bring an end to the blog. It's been my baby since Fall 2008 and I might start another one in the future, but I usually don't have time to write during the school year, so this is it. The end. I will write for 27 more days. After that, it's done. I enjoyed every minute of this but I never know what to write about anymore and it's dying out so it's just time to let go.

The second thing I would like to say is I apologize to my most amazing sister Liz for making that rude comment about her shampoo yesterday. I should never have done that and I'm sorry if I hurt your (or your shampoo's) feelings. I love you, sis!

Now for the good stuff. Yesterday I talked about how people should go out and live a full life so they don't feel cheated when death comes. I strongly believe in this because I know that when my day comes, I will know I lived the best life that I could because I am really trying to do everything in my power to live a happy life. In a book I read recently (which was a true story) the author says "My days were full, yet I remained, much of the time, unsatisfied. What happened to me?" It is such a sad feeling to see that even people who write books and seem so glamorous can be so empty, but everyone feels like this and it's up to you to change that. The whole story line of the guys memoir is about learning how to live a full life without regrets. It's called Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. It's a good read if you ask me, and it's filled with many inspirational quotes and equally inspirational life lessons. Check it out.

(an exerpt from Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom)
"Life is a series of pulls back and forth. you want to do one thing, but you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted.
A tension of opposits, like a pull on a rubber band. And most of us live somewhere in the middle."
Sounds like a wrestling match, I say.
"A wrestling." He laughs. "Yes, you could describe life that way."
So which side wins, I ask?
"Which side wins?"
He smiles at me, the crinkled eyes, the crooked teeth.
"Love wins. Love always wins."

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