So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Here We Stand With A Wolf Like Shadow

This post is pretty much pointless but I don't care. I'm having a party tonight, but I'll still probably post later tonight. I would really like it if you guys could check out my friend Breezer's blog here. It's called "Wrong Turn Into Tomorrow" and she's a really good writer. Plus her life is pretty interesting if you ask me. So go look, it's worth your time, believe me.  Also, besides today you probably won't hear from me a lot this weekend because tomorrow I'm going on a beach trip with my lovely best friends Emily and Bri and then after I get back I'm going straight to a party. Man I sure do love those things. Sunday night I'm going to a concert with Bri, so I'll be pretty busy, and if I get any time to post I'll only get to write a few words, which frankly, isn't really worth the effort so at the end of the weekend (Monday or Tuesday) I'll have a long post waiting for you guys. (:

Today I added a new picture to my profile. I hope you guys like it, it took ages to edit. Also, I added a few pages over there (------>>) so check them out! There's an "About The Author" and more. In the "Angst" page, segments from my new book will be added every week or so. I really appreciate the support from everyone, and I love you guys a lot. I say that all the time, but anyone who supports me deserves to hear it.

By the way, I saw Toy Story 3, and it made me cry like my best friend died or something! Then, my 3D glasses fogged up and I got so pissed cause I couldn't see and it sounded like something tense was going on so I took them off and tried to rub the fog off and looked up and got a headache from the screen cause it was all 3Dish and I didn't have the glasses on still. It was insane. But the movie was good :D Anyways, enjoy your Friday, and this picture:

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