So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Close Your Eyes

Thank you Monday, for having the word "mon" in you. In case you were unaware, "mon" means "mine" in French, and it makes me think of you more as "my day" which makes me like you so much more. I can enjoy you now that I found a new way to think of you, and that is such a beautiful thing. Love, Me.

Today was fantastic. I went back to cello lessons today and got Boston- my cello -out for the first time in over a month and I loved it. I've finished a whole series of books. It's called the Mediator series, by Meg Cabot. They are so good and I would reccomend them to anybody who asked for suggestions, and even those who don't ask. I am currently watching So You Think You Can Dance. I am so obsessed with this show, but they don't show a lot of dancing on it...what's up with that? This show used to show so much now it's more about dramatics and commercialism. Is that even a word? Well, it is now.

Today was also Nathan's 18th birthday. We had a lot of fun. I let him sleep in for a bit until 2 when my teacher came over, then I had to wake him up and get him off the couch so he could get dressed and such. For dinner we went to Midland and ate at Genghis Kahn Mongolian BBQ. It was delicious. You get a bowl, put whatever meat you want in it (I had chicken) and then go to the vegatable bar and choose all the vegatables you can imagine (green peppers, brocoli, noodles, and garlic in mine!) and then take it to the sauce bar and choose your type of sauce (I smothered mine in general tsao's sauce) and then you walk it up to the grill and they grill everything for you. It's really expensive but it's all you can eat and it comes with unlimited soup and salad, although you are usually to full after your first plate. It's now one of my favorite restaurants. The night before I took him out to Harvey's and I drove which was nice, and that was wonderful too, although I didn't eat much. If you live in my area you really should check those two

Oh! I'm done with school! I finished earlier today and I feel like my exams went really well. I loved how easy they all were and I think I probably passed all my classes. It's a huge relief and I feel like so much weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It's an amazing feeling.

RAWR! It means I love you in dinosaur, in case you were unaware. This post is dedicated to my friend Brianna P. I love you, and I want you to know that I don't dissagree with you because I want you to be wrong, I dissagree with you because I care about you and want you to be safe and healthy! Keep your head up girl, you are so strong.

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