So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

I Find It Kind Of Funny, I Find It Kind Of Sad That The Dreams In Which I'm Dying Are The Best...

Happy August!
Maybe we don't know what we are doing, but we're doing it right. My blog has because a pointless ramble of words, feelings, quotes and pictures. I don't mind though. I kind of like it. It's scattered and random...just like my thoughts are. It shows the real me. No fake statements, no editing, just Me.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what's going to change when I finally decide I want to go home. I'm kind of worried that because I'm going back to Michigan sooner than I expected I will be as unhappy there as I was before I left. Like leaving the spa in the middle of getting a massage. Like the whole trip leaves you feeling pointless and unsatisfied. I don't know if you can relate, but it's something that's been bothering me.

I saw a picture of a girl with a butterfly tattoo today. She was in the water looking away from the camera and smiling at something in the distance. For some reason it made me smile. Butterfly tattoos remind me of life, and though I would never get one, they are peaceful and beautiful like the wind. A soft breeze on a blazing hot day. It just makes a smile creep onto your face and suddenly, everything seems okay...because it is.

I want everyone to know that someone out there loves them. Even if you don't think so, even when the world feels like it's turning against you there is someone who is hold your hand through it all. Some of us are lucky enough to find these people before it's too late but others aren't that lucky and are left wondering. It's so hard to get out this message, especially when so many people believe they are unlove but they aren't. Everyone is loved by someone. It's a fact.

I hope you guys have a wonderful August. School starts for me exactly 24 days from today. I'm pretty excited, and not at all as nervous as I thought I would be. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and smile at someone. Let them know they are love.


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