So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

All I Ever Wanted Was To See You Smiling

Hey guys! So, Happy 4th of July. I decided not to go to fireworks tonight since I had my fill the last two nights, but I hope all of you enjoyed them if you went. Last night I went to the fireworks in Bay City with my friend Mary for the second night in a row and it sure was interesting. I got a concussion. I wont go into how it happened, because it's a pretty crappy story, but let me tell you it's messing me up. So far I've had blurry vision, major headaches, balance issues, and trouble reading out loud and speaking. It's pretty annoying seeing as I don't even notice these things until someone points them out, but whatever. I was supposed to go on vacation with my friend Brianna today but because of the concussion I couldn't go. I was so upset and I miss her but it's better that I stayed here anyways because I've been having more and more symptoms. I swear I'm like a heap of bad luck trapped in a human's body. I probably should get some sleep, but I honestly don't feel like it, so I'm going to watch some TV instead. Thanks for reading. <3

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