So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I've Fought For A Long Time Now While Drowning In A River Of Denial

Worst. Birthday. Ever.

I wish I could say I was different from everyone else in this place, but the truth is, I'm not. I've grown up in a town full of people who don't know what they want or have and I've tried so hard to pay attention to how I act so I didn't end up like them and I'm just a clone of those people. Exactly the same way. I have twisted and formed myself from an separate and completely original piece of art to a clone that reflects the worse parts of society. But maybe I am different. Maybe I am because I am one of the few people in this cloned society who realizes the importance and falseness of what is going on. Maybe because I see that this is wrong, and realize that I am no different, maybe, just maybe, that is what makes me different. But I'm not. Or if I am, it doesn't matter because I'm still here with them. If I could just get out of this stupid town and go somewhere where people actually become something, I could be original. But I am me, and although I love who I am, and I don't have a problem with being myself, it bothers me that everyone is so alike and people go around saying "I never like being the same as anyone else." well guess what, you are. Everyone is exactly the same. We shouldn't fight it, we shouldn't accept it. Just let it be. 
Today was a terrible day. It's my birthday, but, honestly I'm ready to crawl into bed, close my eyes, and wake up in tomorrow. I have Pure Barre in the morning then going out for a day with my friend Kat, and I'm so ready. One of the only good parts about today was that I opened a checking account, and had a lot of other things to do. So, since I wasn't home all day I couldn't get on Facebook all day, but when I did it took me an hour to read though all the "Happy Birthday" messages I had waiting for me. It made my bad day slightly less unbearable. Anyways. Now I'm watching Pretty Little Liar and having a conversation I don't want to have with someone I really don't want to talk to. It's awesome. Not. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

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