So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hey Darling, I Hope You're Good Tonight

The Official Girl Code:

I didn't know there was an official girl code but apparently my knowledge was sadly outdated. I mean I knew there was the whole "no dating your best friend's brother" and "no dating your friends ex" but I didn't know the myth of a full out 'Girl Code' was reality. Wow, I've been missing out, not to mention the rules I was unintentionally breaking and not realizing it. But, whatever. I know now, no more excuses.

Now Glee is on. I don't like being like everyone else, but that show is so good so I watch it. But since everyone is watching it now, I shall just record it and watch it later so I can be like everyone else without being like everyone else. It's genious, really, if you think about it. What I don't understand is how people can say it's "gay" and then put "watching Glee" as their facebook status. Big fail. It's not too bad of a show, like people think.

My mom is going crazy because my sister is visiting tomorrow and my brothers room is apparently "unfit to be lived in my a human". But really, dispite the smell, it's not all that terrible...kinda...I just hope she calms down so I get enjoy my Glee in peace before midnight. I'm hoping to get to bed before one in the morning tonight because I have to wake up uber early tomorrow since my teacher is coming AND so is my sister. I will have to get work done before my sister comes at one so I can hang out with her until my teacher comes at 3. It will be interesting. I'm ready for the challenge.

This post is getting a little long and I highly doubt that you guys wanna read all my rambles, so I will keep them to a minimum. Have a good night, and as always, thanks for reading (:

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