So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
My photo
My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Call Me Foolish, I Feel Hopeless

Sleep hurts. I know a lot of times I say things that sound like stoner phrases, but I assure you I am living above the influence. Sleep really does hurt. You miss out on so much of life by sleeping for 8 hours (or 15 in my case). I don't know what's wrong with me. I've completely healed from mono and I know for a fact I don't have it anymore but I'm sleeping a lot. I could be depressed, except I'm absolutely not. In fact, lately I've been the happiest I've been in a long time, and I know I've written about that before. I'm slowly becoming  my old happy self again. The problem? I sleep all the time. I am officially a lazy jerk. I don't know what happened this morning. I had all the intentions to go to Pure Barre today with Bri at 9am. It seemed like everything went kind of wrong today because I slept in late, and Bri went to class without me. I stood her up. Yes, it was an accident, but I feel terrible. Then, well really before, but my date with Ben was cancelled. Well, rescheduled I should say, but I was really looking forward to it. So what am I doing today? Nothing. Thank God my party is this weekend. I'm really excited for it and I invited Ben to make up for me not being able to go to the movie with him today. I told him he could bring a friend too, so hopefully he will and either Emily or Breezer can have dibs on the lucky guy. 

On a different note, I've discovered that I am IN LOVE with All Time Low. No lie. My favorite song of theirs has always been Remembering Sunday but lately I've realized how cute Rian, Alex, Zack, and Jack really are,  plus how good their songs are. It's magical. I don't care what kind of music you like, you need to check them out. New obsession? I think so. Two summers ago it was Jonas Brothers, last summer The Beatles, and this summer, the best yet, All Time Low. 

Also, before I end this fabulous post, I must say ARIZONA IS GETTING CLOSER! WOOT! PARTY PARTY! I can't wait to get out of Michigan. It can suck my thumb. Get it? Cause Michigan is like a mitten?...maybe not. Anyways, I'm very excited so the picture for today is a Route 66 Arizona picture. So enjoy while I go bask in excitement of leaving this town behind. Have a wonderful Wednesday, loves! :D

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