So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

You're like a black cat with a black backpack full of fireworks, and you're gonna burn the city down right now.

This post is dedicated to Ali D. and Rae M. Thank you for laughing with me when I feel like poop. (:

Happy Thursday! Today I plan on sitting down and doing homework all day, because at three a teacher from the school is coming to pick up work and I need to have a lot done. This is kind of sucky, because I'd rather sleep all day, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

This morning I woke up and went out into the kitchen and I saw a card on the table with my name on it. I was kind of scared to open it because my birthday is coming up and I thought maybe they left it out on accident but I opened it anyways, cause that's how I am. It said "Dear M, This is a little gift to make the time alone at home all day full of music. I am sorry you are sick, but glad you are healing. Love, Mom." Under the card was an iTunes gift card. It almost made me tear up. I'm happy to know my mom cares like that.

Of course, like every other day so far, drivers trainig "MALL" kid said some funny stuff today. Let's see:
First we were sitting there waiting for class to start and he comes up to my friend Ali (who was eating cheez-its) pulled out his wallet and said "yo, how much you want for those?" He was going to PAY HER for some cheez-its. haha. niiiice. Then he was talking about how he thought this girls name was "Mandy" which I thought was funny so I told him my name and said about how it sounded close to Mandy and he said "you know what girl, can I just call you M-Dogg?" so I agreed. This kid is funny. I think we're finally figuring out he's doing this stuff on purpose which makes it all the funnier.

Another awesome thing that happened today was my friend Steve randomly showed up at my house. He was dropping my brother off but decided to stay cause my brother wanted to play xbox and guys are crazy when it comes to xbox. We were reading and watching a show about fried bacon. It sounds nasty, and looks even nastier. Trust me. It was pretty cool because I haven't seen him since prom, so yeah (:

This is it for today. As always, thanks for reading. I love you guys!

(Also, for a sisterly reader out there, GET WELL SOON!!!!)

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