So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Physical, Mental, Don't Slow Down

I may not be the best runner, but I know the value of hard work and I do what I need to do to improve. My shin splints hurt? That's fine I'll come back everyday and work until they feel like they're going to break, they'll get better eventually. Asthma attack? Let me just finish this race, then I'll sit down. Feeling like I'm going to die? I'm gonna have great leg muscles after this! So many times I feel like giving up, but I'm not sure I would even know how if I tried. I've been blessed with two working legs, and no matter how much pain they may be in, at least I'm able to run on both of them. I don't skip practices on the days I don't feel like running, and sitting out with an injury is torture to me because I wish I could just get out there and hit it. I don't win races, I don't have the fastest times, but I'm a winner, and no one can touch me.

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