So this is my life, and I am both happy and sad- and still trying to figure out how that may be.
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My aspirations span wider than any map you'll ever read.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lovers Dance When They're Feeling In Love

Sometimes I know just what to say to keep people off my back. It's not a problem if people are curious about me, but if I wanted them to know I would offer up the information. It's Christmas eve as you can tell (seeing as this post is marked Dec. 24th), and I'm sad I didn't get to go to church. The only stores that are open are 7-11 and Walgreen's, but there are so many things I need. I guess you can't really buy the things my heart requires anyways, so I suppose it doesn't even really matter, but still. I'm sure you know by now that this is just a ramble post, but these are my minds unedited thoughts.  It's how I use to write on here, but haven't in awhile because I've been so guarded lately. It's been so hard to write straight from my heart since I got happy, and I guess that was a sacrifice I was willing to make. People used to email me and tell me they love this blog because I tell it like it is and they can relate to me. But can't we all relate to another? We're all living in the same nasty world, experiencing the same problems, yet people feel so alone. I feel so alone. We all do, and that makes that feeling false. How can you be feeling alone when 20 billion people share the same feeling of loneliness? It's kind of lame if you ask me, how we are all so caught up in our own problems we can't even look ahead and see that people might actually be able to care and relate to us. There's a lot we can learn if we just open our eyes.
     You know what? Everyone is beautiful. And no one has the right to make anyone feel like they are not. It's like, she doesn't have the right hair and his teeth aren't straight so they are ugly. But they are. She's beautiful, and he's handsome, just in their own ways. Those people who spend hundreds of dollars getting their faces knocked at with hammers and look down on people if they don't? They are the ugly ones, and not because of the way that they look. They are ugly because they don't see the true meaning of beauty. And it's sad. It's quite sad to see a lost heart in the throng of thousands of people like that, but maybe they are happy with the way their lives are going. Just don't count on them to tell you the truth.

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